Author Archives: Steve

Do You Find The Time?

Getting fit isn’t the easiest thing to accomplish in the this world.  We have other things to do, like:  go to work, cook dinner, get ready for work the night before, wash the dishes, take kids to their events, look over … Continue reading

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Do You Do More Than Your Spouse?

I asked one of my clients once what kind of preparations she had to make before going out of town for business travel.  She said that she had to do her daughters’ hair so that it would last until she got … Continue reading

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Life Does Get Better!

My mother used to berate me with the question “how can you possibly take care of others if you can’t manage to take care of yourself?”  This would always come up when I was younger and left my room messy … Continue reading

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Have You Been Living Healthier

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Have You Tapped Into Your “Courage”!

I’m feeling like a million dollars. I have an Optimistic outlook on life, meaning that if I have an idea of doing something, I go & do it. I used to sit back & just contemplate, and that would lead … Continue reading

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Give Yourself A Winning Chance This Time!

12/10/2012  I am 209 lbs. today,  I was 212 lbs. 2 weeks ago.  My goal is to get down under 200 Lbs: 195 preferably.  I have the strength & core part together, but it is the Eating & Cardio part … Continue reading

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Tell The Truth…Are You Really Enjoying It!

People come to me because they enjoy the activities that they are going to engage in, unlike when going to some place that they have to go to because of health reasons or whatever kind of mandate that is beckoning.  … Continue reading

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How’s Your Business

I am in the midst of building a business, and this is an incredible learning experience in every way humanly possible.  I have to be organizing & prioritizing all the time.  I don’t have free time or time to watch … Continue reading

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How Is Your Focus & Concentration!

I didn’t know that I had ADHD while growing up and it was a challenge to do some of the things that others could do with ease.  I don’t think that there was a diagnosis for it yet either, so … Continue reading

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Losing Weight Can Be Profitable!

      “I found this short article on the business of Weight Loss. The revenue generated in this industry is incredible considering that America is still getting larger every year! Check out these statistics & after reading, share your … Continue reading

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